Earth' Recent CLimate Spiral 2.0
May 21, 2023 at 5:42 am
(This post was last modified: May 21, 2023 at 5:47 am by Leonardo17.)
Because eof my limited time I’m not able to answer to all the topics immediately all the time. So this is the continuation of the topic called “Earth’s Recent Climate Spiral”.
In the final post Amocratis had said:
To this I’m answering:
I don’t know who it was but I remember reading somewhere that nature does not value individuals. Nature values species. And that’s my point again. I am currently working on Mr. Wayne Dyer and his approach on the Dao-De-Jing. And in this philosophy he is explaining how at one event he killed a bee who was struggling for its life with a newspaper on the tennis-court and than asked himself “Who am I to kill that bee?”. Meaning: That bee is part of the “10,000 things” as it is being referred to. And the 10,000 things is the owner of the life of that bee. It’s the power that organizes the movement of the stars, so who are we (humans) to decide that the time has come for that bee to die?
And this comes back in all religion. We are allowed to do many things. But the Dao is the owner of life, therefore we are not allowed to destroy life. + The Prophet Mohammad reportedly foresaw the situation of the world today. Some accounts have such reference + highly spiritual people have these abilities of foreseeing the future in some cases (these are called “Sidhi’s” in the Hindu system of thought). And the accounts say that this is one of the few cases in which the Prophet cursed / uttered bad wishes for a group of people.
So true spirituality does not approve a “what the heck” attitude toward nature. And I’m not talking about stray dogs. Stray dogs have to be killed by euthanasia, there is no other solution. But to me, you cannot go into an open field and take away all the ecosystem of several species living there. They have a right to live as much as us. I won’t get into the theological debate. But this is how I understand it.
+ Even if we don’t, Half of the youth now are now worried that world will end within their lifetimes:
Isn’t that really sad? I had zillions of problems as a teenager, I even had friends who needed some medical assistance because of thier family issues. And now, again, who are we to put that burden on the back of teenagers?
It’s not only about animals, we are eating, breathing, drinking micro-plastics right now. So this isn’t how it’s supposed to work.
So in our age we are smart enough to create problem, yet we have enough intelligence (unlike earlier societies in history) to define problems and remove them before they destroy us: Just like we managed to fix the Ozone layer and/or avoided nuclear confrontation during the cold war. So there is definitely a problem of choice + will to create change here. As I’m writing this text Italy is being flooded and Spain is burning (Forest fires). And that’s also what spiritual leaders are saying. People like Eckhart Tolle for instance are telling us to “fix it”. They say “use your brain and fix it”. So this has to be our common approach on these issues.
For Instance, no one should be building coal plant anymore. So COP 26 in November 2021 was an abomination. I think we have already reached the point of phasing out coal to a 100% today. So there is a problem of communication. We should be able to see things before being struck by great disasters.
Geoengineering is not a good idea in the current state of things. Carbon capture based on solar or nuclear energy tough could be a very good idea. And it’s feasible too. If we reduced military budgets to invest more into clean energy, I think it could work. But I’m talking about massive carbon capture devices working on huge solar farms here. If we could convince China to work on that instead of harassing Taiwan for instance, it’s technically possible to do that in the next two decades.
And again: That’s a very spiritual approach here. The Ego likes domination + competition. It’s our higher self that says “Slow down, breathe a little, look there is a solution that works for everyone”. So that’s the future of China too. Are they going to be the Soviet Union 2.0 or are they going to make a genuine addition to the history of mankind? So I’m not that pessimistic about them either. If they are smart enough to build the world’s biggest navy, We can also expect them to make a positive contribution to our common future as well. So If I was a politician, I would work on that
In the final post Amocratis had said:
Quote:“That may seem to be all that is needed for the individual to exist, but we know we are in the catch 22 because the very things we do, that seem unnecessary, and that seemingly ruining our chances for long term survival, are also the very things which must be done to allow us to have any chance of long term survival at all.
Specifically We must amass know how, and the economic, productive, and organizational resource foundations, to conduct geo-engineering, in the broad sense, required for us to weather natural calamities which occur at frequencies of once every hundreds to hundred thousands of years. To do that we must maintain the conditions required to motivate and cause us to amass these things.
In the long run there is no such thing as living in peace with nature. Nature doesn’t believe in peace. She only tolerates temporary and uneasy truces. And she has and will violated every truce agreement and doesn’t always provide any advanced warning at all. Nature is the mother that has killed almost every child she ever spawned, and will in the end kill every last child she ever spawned, down to the very last one. In the end nature is an enemy humans can never vanquish, but which will never stop trying to vanquish humans, and which will almost certainly be victorious at the end. But to survive longer and postpone the date of our defeat we need the weapons to battle nature, we just need to make sure we don’t kill ourselves with these weapons first.”
To this I’m answering:
I don’t know who it was but I remember reading somewhere that nature does not value individuals. Nature values species. And that’s my point again. I am currently working on Mr. Wayne Dyer and his approach on the Dao-De-Jing. And in this philosophy he is explaining how at one event he killed a bee who was struggling for its life with a newspaper on the tennis-court and than asked himself “Who am I to kill that bee?”. Meaning: That bee is part of the “10,000 things” as it is being referred to. And the 10,000 things is the owner of the life of that bee. It’s the power that organizes the movement of the stars, so who are we (humans) to decide that the time has come for that bee to die?
And this comes back in all religion. We are allowed to do many things. But the Dao is the owner of life, therefore we are not allowed to destroy life. + The Prophet Mohammad reportedly foresaw the situation of the world today. Some accounts have such reference + highly spiritual people have these abilities of foreseeing the future in some cases (these are called “Sidhi’s” in the Hindu system of thought). And the accounts say that this is one of the few cases in which the Prophet cursed / uttered bad wishes for a group of people.
So true spirituality does not approve a “what the heck” attitude toward nature. And I’m not talking about stray dogs. Stray dogs have to be killed by euthanasia, there is no other solution. But to me, you cannot go into an open field and take away all the ecosystem of several species living there. They have a right to live as much as us. I won’t get into the theological debate. But this is how I understand it.
+ Even if we don’t, Half of the youth now are now worried that world will end within their lifetimes:
Isn’t that really sad? I had zillions of problems as a teenager, I even had friends who needed some medical assistance because of thier family issues. And now, again, who are we to put that burden on the back of teenagers?
It’s not only about animals, we are eating, breathing, drinking micro-plastics right now. So this isn’t how it’s supposed to work.
So in our age we are smart enough to create problem, yet we have enough intelligence (unlike earlier societies in history) to define problems and remove them before they destroy us: Just like we managed to fix the Ozone layer and/or avoided nuclear confrontation during the cold war. So there is definitely a problem of choice + will to create change here. As I’m writing this text Italy is being flooded and Spain is burning (Forest fires). And that’s also what spiritual leaders are saying. People like Eckhart Tolle for instance are telling us to “fix it”. They say “use your brain and fix it”. So this has to be our common approach on these issues.
For Instance, no one should be building coal plant anymore. So COP 26 in November 2021 was an abomination. I think we have already reached the point of phasing out coal to a 100% today. So there is a problem of communication. We should be able to see things before being struck by great disasters.
Geoengineering is not a good idea in the current state of things. Carbon capture based on solar or nuclear energy tough could be a very good idea. And it’s feasible too. If we reduced military budgets to invest more into clean energy, I think it could work. But I’m talking about massive carbon capture devices working on huge solar farms here. If we could convince China to work on that instead of harassing Taiwan for instance, it’s technically possible to do that in the next two decades.
And again: That’s a very spiritual approach here. The Ego likes domination + competition. It’s our higher self that says “Slow down, breathe a little, look there is a solution that works for everyone”. So that’s the future of China too. Are they going to be the Soviet Union 2.0 or are they going to make a genuine addition to the history of mankind? So I’m not that pessimistic about them either. If they are smart enough to build the world’s biggest navy, We can also expect them to make a positive contribution to our common future as well. So If I was a politician, I would work on that

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