The dates given by AOS for past events may actually disprove evolution entirely
October 5, 2013 at 4:04 pm
The dates given by AOS for past events may actually disprove evolution entirely
When atheistic origin science gives dates, they seem to violate standard scientific practice. Real science gives a number and an error range. But atheistic origin science many times quotes a number without any error range. You will read things like 123 million years ago. Why the lack of an error range? What is the error range? How is that error range determined? This bad scientific practice shows that atheistic origin science is not real science.
To show why the real error range destroys atheistic origin science consider the following cases.
Case 1 – Determination of an intermediate species.
Ancestor 120 million years ago
Intermediate 115 million years ago
Descendant 110 million years ago
Seems straightforward. Now consider these same numbers with error ranges.
Ancestor 120 million years ago +- 10 million years
Intermediate 115 million years ago +- 10 million years
Descendant 110 million years ago +- 10 million years
Based on these numbers, then this could be the case.
Ancestor 113 million years ago
Intermediate 115 million years ago
Descendant 118 million years ago
That is the descendant came first, then the intermediate, then the ancestor. So that is now shown to be false.
Case 2 – determination of the rock layers
Top layer 100 million years
Middle layer 110 million years
Bottom layer 120 million years
Seems straightforward. Now consider these same numbers with error ranges.
Top layer 100 million years +- 10 million years
Middle layer 110 million years +- 10 million years
Bottom layer 120 million years +- 10 million years
Based on these numbers, then this could be the case.
Top layer 108 million years
Middle layer 118 million years
Bottom layer 112 million years
So the middle is the bottom and the bottom is the middle. That would be very hard to explain if these layers exist over a vast area.
Now combine the fossils in the out of order layers and ancestors are more recent than descendants. In fact the dates from case 1 and case 2 may conflict.
So the error ranges may put all the dates of the rock layers and fossil record in jeopardy.
What are the error ranges?
How are they determined?
When atheistic origin science gives dates, they seem to violate standard scientific practice. Real science gives a number and an error range. But atheistic origin science many times quotes a number without any error range. You will read things like 123 million years ago. Why the lack of an error range? What is the error range? How is that error range determined? This bad scientific practice shows that atheistic origin science is not real science.
To show why the real error range destroys atheistic origin science consider the following cases.
Case 1 – Determination of an intermediate species.
Ancestor 120 million years ago
Intermediate 115 million years ago
Descendant 110 million years ago
Seems straightforward. Now consider these same numbers with error ranges.
Ancestor 120 million years ago +- 10 million years
Intermediate 115 million years ago +- 10 million years
Descendant 110 million years ago +- 10 million years
Based on these numbers, then this could be the case.
Ancestor 113 million years ago
Intermediate 115 million years ago
Descendant 118 million years ago
That is the descendant came first, then the intermediate, then the ancestor. So that is now shown to be false.
Case 2 – determination of the rock layers
Top layer 100 million years
Middle layer 110 million years
Bottom layer 120 million years
Seems straightforward. Now consider these same numbers with error ranges.
Top layer 100 million years +- 10 million years
Middle layer 110 million years +- 10 million years
Bottom layer 120 million years +- 10 million years
Based on these numbers, then this could be the case.
Top layer 108 million years
Middle layer 118 million years
Bottom layer 112 million years
So the middle is the bottom and the bottom is the middle. That would be very hard to explain if these layers exist over a vast area.
Now combine the fossils in the out of order layers and ancestors are more recent than descendants. In fact the dates from case 1 and case 2 may conflict.
So the error ranges may put all the dates of the rock layers and fossil record in jeopardy.
What are the error ranges?
How are they determined?