Godschild Wrote:I'm not saying that I know all truths that would make me insane like Sae.
Thanks for the compliment ^_^ And as I've said before: knowing something is true doesn't mean we are right
Quote:However Sae did bring out some verses related to Exodus 21:17 and you still have not. Those related verses still refer to adult childern.
Adult children? That sounds
almost scarily like an oxymoron
(though I acknowledge it can exist depending on definitions) ^_^ I wonder though... from where do we judge "the firstborn son" of a family? The elderly 'grandfather' who was the first son of his father? The first son of the old man? The son of the young couple? Or would rather it mean that every mother's first child would be smitten (as seems most logically true and the least arbitrary), in which case almost the entire male side of the family would die overnight?
Of course those verses refer to "adult children"... nobody here is denying this. However, it does not
exclusively refer to "adult children":
any 'first-born son' is applicable and was slain by the same God who hardened Pharoh's (otherwise fair) heart with full knowledge that he was going to slay them... that is what the entire captivity and exodus in Egypt was: an
example of God's powers. It was him attempting to prove "I can totally fuck you up on the merest of my whims, and fuck up anyone I like, however I like, whenever and wherever I like" to the world in contact with Egypt... and if you will notice in the text the Israelites were less than impressed after hardly any time at all. Not even the 'documented' (in the bible) slaying of all the firstborn sons in Egypt had much of an effect on their cynicism... can you
imagine what kind of fucked up shit God did that was
not documented (in the bible)?
Quote:Sae you should read and study what you write and no I was not being facetious I meant what I said.
I have read it... I have studied it... and I have come to the conclusion that it is a load of hooey. I am willing to challenge that conclusion... but I will hardly change a strongly based opinion on the merest suggestion that I "need to study it better". We give you actual data to work with... you give us but a vague hint to go read the Bible again (as though it will be different this time around...?).
Shame that you weren't being facetious... <insert barbed comment here>.
(April 16, 2010 at 4:53 am)KichigaiNeko Wrote: (April 15, 2010 at 11:40 pm)Godschild Wrote: CP the wall of truth is a hard one. I'm not saying that I know all truths that would make me insane like Sae. However Sae did bring out some verses related to Exodus 21:17 and you still have not. Those related verses still refer to adult childern. Sae you should read and study what you write and no I was not being facetious I meant what I said.
Spoken Like a true xtian with his head firmly planted up his anus and his brain on "Don't think!!"
To an extent perhaps... though i feel Westboro wins that one...
Quote:What has exodus got to do with anything?? You pathetic piece of cosmic excrement!! Grrr
Exodus has to do with the topics at hand (that being "did God kill young children in Exodus during the passover?"... which is a rather silly question to ask in my opinion, as what does it matter that he killed children young or old or in between? It's still someone's child... perhaps even someone's parent, or sibling, or even more importantly: friend).
He will never answer to merely insulting him (even if it is indeed for a good reason)... so if you intend to really communicate with him at all I'd suggest you chill a bit

I don't mean "let him walk all over you and fuck your cat"... but give him something to address at least, lest he leave with the idea that atheists are always angry

Imagine what the rocks would feel like if people thought they were always angry

Chill! For the rocks!
Quote:Really you are enough to drive anyone TO Satan!
Your stupid book is based on Babylonian myth and your celebrations on pagan agrarian festivals...sheez!! I thought everyone knew that generalisation!
Actually... if he could drive me to Satan, that would be supposing that Satan could exist to me :S Is this a contrast to driving someone "stark raving mad"?