(March 24, 2016 at 7:46 pm)Jenny A Wrote: So if the super fluid hypothesis turns out to be wrong, you'll admit the Koran is fundamentally flawed and Allah was not the prophet of god?
I need more to disbelieve in the whole religion. I will hate myself and ask for forgivness though, for projecting the verses of God on mere theories without making sure first.
You're right.
I projected the verse on the theory; and that was before I validate such theory.
But to correct you: water in ancient Arabic is not "H2O" only, it refers to any liquid. You can see an example in the Quran itself; semen is referred to as "water".
Why go so far; in English itself, it's so common to refer to a liquid with the term "water"; doesn't "her water broke" ring any bell?
So I'm deeply sorry but no. The water in the verse can refer to liquid so easily, it makes sense even more, saying otherwise makes me wonder about who is debating based on a pre-determined opinion.
To be honest, you didn't answer this: how did Mohammed predict this? what made him say that the universe is drenched in water -which we know it can mean liquid and mostly: it is-? wouldn't it be more and more safe and believable, to say that the universe is drenched in air??
Again I remind you: in ancient Arabic, semen is refered to with "man's water; literally". There's a sickness hitting the eye and cause blindness, called "white water". Acid is called in modern egyptian arabic "fire's water موية نار" -we have an egyptian member who can validate this-. The odds are against your argument.
simon moon
The Quran spoke a lot about ancient prophets asked to reveal the faith and take people from darkness to the light; God spoke about them being sent since the dawn of time, and also spoke about how they were mostly rejected, or the people taking their message, twist it, and sell the forged faith under a different name.
Can't you see the pattern? in every religion -heathen or otherwise-, there's a God -Zeus for example-?, mini-Gods/Angles, Demons/Titans, It's always the same hierarchy.
I totally believe that the Hindu, Buddhist, Native American beliefs were all religions of God, revealed by prophets, then twisted and forged through humans.
Actually they were in the Muslim world, as far as I know, there are Hadiths speaking about this.
But never was science this strong; in an old source, the famous Quran interpreter -Ibn Katheer-, says "it is on the water, but we don't ask how".
Quote:Quoting him again:
قال ابن كثير رحمه الله: وقال الأعمش عن المنهال بن عمرو عن سعيد بن جبير قال: سئل ابن عباس عن قول الله تعالى: وَكَانَ عَرْشُهُ عَلَى الْمَاءِ على أي شيء كان الماء؟ قال: على متن الريح. ا.هـ
والله أعلم.
Translated roughly to: "Ibn Katheer -God had mercy on him- said, so did Al A'amash through Al-Menhal the son of Amro through Saeed Ibn Jubair, said: Ibn Abbas was asked about what God said: "and his throne was atop of water", upon what was the water? he said: on top of the wind-wind=air,void, space,...-.
You can see, they technically had no idea what this means..
The Atheist
Calm down..
You remind me with an Islamic Shia imaginary Imam called "Al Mehdi", who would dig the graves of a person called "Abo Bakr" in the end times, and hang him from a tree..
I can't believe the atheists here either..the Quran has so many truths and fact, leave this topic aside, even the big bang is literally mentioned, and how the moon got its holes.
It will prove me wrong..and I'll be in serious trouble.
God's word must prove itself in front of any reality check.
Alex K
Ah, I would go with the meaning of water being a liquid. Arabic has so many examples, English too.
But water in Arabic doesn't mean H2O at all times !
As I mentioned to others above, semen is a famous example, being called "man's water" or as the Quran literally called it "degrading water".
You believe I'm crazy, rob, but that's fine. Only time will tell.
The world being a fluid makes more sense: the stream of time like waves, race to shore. It's always moving forward, always. No hand break, no stop.
And here I thought, the spelling criticism became and old fashion ><
Ya know, I'm an Arab

English is a foreign language to me, so I try my best, but some words escape my brain wrongly. And guess what: I only talked to one foreigner for an extended period in my whole life, he was British and I always used to pronounce "tourist" wrongly, like "tawrist", he keeps correcting me and say "tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorist"...
I dare you to spell ما بلاش يا سوسو !!
Its content proves it.
It usually doesn't matter, because if a person don't want believe, they won't even if they saw all the signs.
You can take modern society, and how they saw many signs in the cosmos, yet didn't shed a single tear.
The throne isn't sinking; it's atop of the water.
IDK about the dailymail's direction of thought, to be honest I rarely visit their site -or probably once or twice a year or something..-