RE: Agnostic Atheism? Your opinions..
December 21, 2011 at 2:26 am
What does the evidence say? Three atheists with lack of belief circle around Dtango, a fellow atheist of faith.
That's what I see going on. Willful ignorance of those whose identity is lack. Me and Dtang share an identity of faith; a faith in self-identity, a faith that "I am" is reflected in the truth of the universe.
The value of my faith is its emptyness, it is a vehicle of identity, a universal translator; where I see error in the past two pages is where the atheists of lack have failed to match their faith to an identifier and yet continue to claim that truth gives them the moral right and responsibility to sit in judgeship.
I am Dtango's lack of evidence. I see Dtango's passion and work and love creatively expressed over and again, where the atheists of lack say nothing, over and over again. Anticipating victory in a theistic ritual paying worship to the empty idol of identity. Atheists of lack must gather in packs to reinforce the identity of truth like shellac over their little wooden idol Ideal.
I know this through observation and experience through practicing my zero-state morality with simulation, and reading the response of my organic chemistry. Besides, you don't wanna see his evidence; you wanna see mine.
Here's the "meat and potatoes" of the Pure Number hypothesis: the universe is counting. That count has a language. That language is "beyond understanding;" what is entirely possible is deriving a "human derivant of the Witwiki symbolism." Furthermore, as I see tao as the essence of motion; I see these ancients in the trackless sands where the identity is little more than animal as Mother Evolution clearly strode the earth as Death. Then night would fall, the wicked Queen Evolution would relax her burning grasp on the land and allow balance to return. These ancients were more animal that human in their patterns of instinct and their self-placement in an ecology of hard work and hostile environment that wants to kill you.
Thus the emergence of Goddesses; prototypes of archetype willfully preserved using mythology to devaluate the Identity, female. With frivolities like love, and passion, and dreamy romance. But from the night, from what is dismissed as creative fiction, comes truth, incarnate. What is assumed to be "truth" is merely reality, what is true is sharing patterns of identity and knowledge through
faith. Faith in self, faith in universe; faith in having moral certainty inspired by experience, science and the observation of reinforcement of my pattern by others.
What me and Dtango know that atheists of lack, lack; is the perpetuation of idolized Identity -dictionaries, definitions, expert testimony, facts - and because they merely respond by rote, they are practicing the same form of witchcraft - artificial enhancement of identity through idolatry - in the simulation of "we" judgement.
To me, you are incorrect to dismiss what we know; but you are also atheists voicing skepticism, and as such cannot be wrong.
What the ancients did encode, however, is meme of the mind of god; through YHWH, through tao. This - 0/1/2/3 - which is a vastness extant in my mind beyond the limits of the scientific frontier.