Remember the housing bubble? All these deeds and titles were swapped around and traded and bought and sold so much by so many people that it created a house of cards that our economy rested on. Well, even after the bailouts and everything, banks are STILL selling those titles back and forth. So a more creative squatter decides to use that to his advantage; he squats in the house openly. The title has been passed around so much that's it's proving difficult to evict him. Then he relies on an old law called adverse possession, which says he can have the property if he can move in and stay there at least seven years.
Remember the housing bubble? All these deeds and titles were swapped around and traded and bought and sold so much by so many people that it created a house of cards that our economy rested on. Well, even after the bailouts and everything, banks are STILL selling those titles back and forth. So a more creative squatter decides to use that to his advantage; he squats in the house openly. The title has been passed around so much that's it's proving difficult to evict him. Then he relies on an old law called adverse possession, which says he can have the property if he can move in and stay there at least seven years.
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"If you cling to something as the absolute truth and you are caught in it, when the truth comes in person to knock on your door you will refuse to let it in." ~ Siddhartha Gautama
"If you cling to something as the absolute truth and you are caught in it, when the truth comes in person to knock on your door you will refuse to let it in." ~ Siddhartha Gautama