Rahul Wrote:Yes it is. Living human cells. Not a person. Piece of flesh.
The soft substance consisting of muscle and fat that is found between the skin and bones of an animal or a human.
An unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development.
An unborn human baby, esp. in the first eight weeks from conception, after implantation but before all the organs are developed.
Quote:By unborn you mean it's going to be born. That's a sure thing. We're not talking about a sure thing. We're talking about a possibility.
By unborn I mean it is not yet born. Whether or not the baby is born is not a sure thing. Never argued that. Stop putting words into my mouth. And I and other posters have already covered natural miscarriages.
Quote:It's not an entity until the higher brain develops. The Cerebrum. Until then it's not an entity. It's not a person. It's just a potential one.
A thing with distinct and independent existence.
Existence; being: "entity and nonentity".
I don't see a mention of brain in there.
Quote:It's only been made clear that it's false by flawed thinking. Which is to say, it's not false.
You have not proven that my conclusions are false, you merely argue that they are without the application of facts. Prove that my argumentation is flawed. I have provided links to sources that back up my claims, where are yours?
' Wrote:Define human life. Define it.
Of, relating to, or characteristic of people or human beings.
A human being, esp. a person as distinguished from an animal or (in science fiction) an alien.
(of a person, animal, or plant) Living, not dead.
Google is your friend.
Quote:If you won't logically ruminate on your thinking I guess I don't know what more I can say either.
Funny you say that, given the fact that I already posted about having arrived at this conclusion after fucking thinking about it, and that I used to be pro-choice, not pro-life.
Quote:I don't care what some doctor thinks. Most doctors would believe otherwise. I don't care if some doctors are dense.
"My doctors are smart your doctor dumb!"
Also refer to argument ad populum.
Quote:The entire article is a plea to emotion.
Sure, doctors who perform abortions giving their opinion on abortion is a plea to emotion. Or maybe they are just stating their opinion. Both of which (plea to emotion and opinion sharing) you have done on this thread, yet I am supposed to take what you say seriously.
Quote:"Studies have found that 30 to 50 percent of fertilized eggs are lost before or during the process of implantation – often so early that a woman goes on to get her period at about the expected time."
Yes, miscarriages are an unfortunate part of life.
One of my first replies on here I stated that I cannot liken the natural (and unfortunate) process of miscarriage with artificial abortion.
Quote:Ever considered the slight possibility that you might be wrong? It would explain a lot to you.
Nah, I never second guess my opinion, I never question my convictions, I just herp de dur and believe anything I am told by anybody ever.