I have a theory about why the structured, organized religion we it see today came about. Don’t know if this has been postulated before as I'm very new to these boards. But Its something I’ve had bouncing round in my head for a number of years now but wanted to put it in words so you guys can shoot holes in it and help me flesh it out a bit 
Let’s go back 2,000 years or so.
Imagine you are the ruler of a large empire, oh I don’t know, say the Roman Empire, around 306AD?
Now, you need to police that empire. You need to stop your citizens from murdering each other. You need to stop them from stealing and generally acting like complete tools. Because lets be honest, life was A LOT harder back then than it is now. People will generally take the path of least resistance to what the want. That in a lot of ways sums up human nature.
So how do you do this? There is no CCTV, there is no method of identifying DNA. No police as we know them.
But, what if you can make people believe that if they steal, if they kill, if the act like tools…. Well, the great invisible sky wizard is watching. He can see all, he knows when you have been naughty. You won’t be punished now, that happens when you die! “So you must live by rules” says Mr. Constantine, or you’re going to hell for all eternity.
Thoughts / Opinions?

Let’s go back 2,000 years or so.
Imagine you are the ruler of a large empire, oh I don’t know, say the Roman Empire, around 306AD?

Now, you need to police that empire. You need to stop your citizens from murdering each other. You need to stop them from stealing and generally acting like complete tools. Because lets be honest, life was A LOT harder back then than it is now. People will generally take the path of least resistance to what the want. That in a lot of ways sums up human nature.
So how do you do this? There is no CCTV, there is no method of identifying DNA. No police as we know them.
But, what if you can make people believe that if they steal, if they kill, if the act like tools…. Well, the great invisible sky wizard is watching. He can see all, he knows when you have been naughty. You won’t be punished now, that happens when you die! “So you must live by rules” says Mr. Constantine, or you’re going to hell for all eternity.
Thoughts / Opinions?