Hope this works. Will give our European cousins an idea of the distances involved.
For the hell of it I checked out California Rt 62 on Google Maps and Street View shows it to be a two-lane road.... one in each direction. Good luck with that.
To give a sense of scale, yesterday one of our dog rescue volunteers drove from No. Phoenix ( near where it says Sun City on the map) to Wellton just east of Yuma to recover a dog that was originally picked up by the Border Patrol. It was a 3 1/2 hour trip each way.
For the hell of it I checked out California Rt 62 on Google Maps and Street View shows it to be a two-lane road.... one in each direction. Good luck with that.
To give a sense of scale, yesterday one of our dog rescue volunteers drove from No. Phoenix ( near where it says Sun City on the map) to Wellton just east of Yuma to recover a dog that was originally picked up by the Border Patrol. It was a 3 1/2 hour trip each way.