Redbeard The Pink,
That all are some how connected in efforts of selfless good.
I understand that civilizations of long past times seem barbaric. They were. The fact is that Muhammad was a pioneer of the secape from barbaric means.
The entity I speak of is the embodiment of all bad things. It is also the source of all negativity, ever. It is the opposite side of the coin of life.
Jesus was one with creation through Crist. He was as pure as a human could be. He taught love, compassion, forgiveness, and selfless sacrifice for the sake of creation, all while being ridiculed, denied, assumed upon, and oh yeah, murdered.
His direction from God was pure. He was human. You should do some research on Christianity that isn't based on the Catholic description of the triun, or trinity. Thanks.
That all are some how connected in efforts of selfless good.
I understand that civilizations of long past times seem barbaric. They were. The fact is that Muhammad was a pioneer of the secape from barbaric means.
The entity I speak of is the embodiment of all bad things. It is also the source of all negativity, ever. It is the opposite side of the coin of life.
Jesus was one with creation through Crist. He was as pure as a human could be. He taught love, compassion, forgiveness, and selfless sacrifice for the sake of creation, all while being ridiculed, denied, assumed upon, and oh yeah, murdered.
His direction from God was pure. He was human. You should do some research on Christianity that isn't based on the Catholic description of the triun, or trinity. Thanks.