Hi Alex, I'm doing fine, and check in here to see if there is anything to kick in my 2 cents about.
Randy, there is a very old prophecy from a bishop named Malachy which gave a fingernail description of 112 future popes.
There is considerable debate especially from the hierarchy of the Vatican about it, for obvious reasons.
Here is the one for Francis (source Wikipedia)- (number 112)-
In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit [i.e., as bishop].
Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people.
The Dreadful Judge is none other than the Lord Jesus, who comes this time as the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
As you probably know, Francis is Italian, and the first Jesuit pope (the gestapo arm of the Vatican).
More than one prophet has had revelation that he is IT.
I think there is a book out called "Petros Romano", by Tom Horn and another guy, you might want to read it.
In the book of revelation, the first beast is the Antichrist-the political evil leader.
Obama is that one and he came first onto the scene.
Subsequent to that, this last pope (the second beast of Revelation- the spiritual false prophet) came forth after the hasty retirement of his predecessor (who, I have heard- if he leaves the city state of the Vatican- will be arrested on child abuse involvement).
The book of Revelation describes the wiping out of the abode of the Prostitute- the Basilica, which is named after the Basilisk- the mythical serpent that is able kill with it's breath.
(Interesting that it is shaped like a keyhole, at the same time that the key to the abyss is being attempted to be opened (CERN).
Randy, there is a very old prophecy from a bishop named Malachy which gave a fingernail description of 112 future popes.
There is considerable debate especially from the hierarchy of the Vatican about it, for obvious reasons.
Here is the one for Francis (source Wikipedia)- (number 112)-
In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit [i.e., as bishop].
Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people.
The Dreadful Judge is none other than the Lord Jesus, who comes this time as the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
As you probably know, Francis is Italian, and the first Jesuit pope (the gestapo arm of the Vatican).
More than one prophet has had revelation that he is IT.
I think there is a book out called "Petros Romano", by Tom Horn and another guy, you might want to read it.
In the book of revelation, the first beast is the Antichrist-the political evil leader.
Obama is that one and he came first onto the scene.
Subsequent to that, this last pope (the second beast of Revelation- the spiritual false prophet) came forth after the hasty retirement of his predecessor (who, I have heard- if he leaves the city state of the Vatican- will be arrested on child abuse involvement).
The book of Revelation describes the wiping out of the abode of the Prostitute- the Basilica, which is named after the Basilisk- the mythical serpent that is able kill with it's breath.
(Interesting that it is shaped like a keyhole, at the same time that the key to the abyss is being attempted to be opened (CERN).