You only have to look at the damage Muslim immigration has and is continuing to cause all over the world in countries which were once civilised. To rule out a natural opposition toward Islam based on violent historical accounts of Christians' would mean that you equate your own heritage, and more importantly your present living circumstances and culture as relevant a topic as events which transpired centuries ago which is a false equation.
What is important is to recognise the realities of the present day by becoming more educated on topics than the present media allows you to be. Learn about Shari'ah, and the Coran - find out for yourself how only recently once beautiful countries have been reduced to Islamic states!
What is important is to recognise the realities of the present day by becoming more educated on topics than the present media allows you to be. Learn about Shari'ah, and the Coran - find out for yourself how only recently once beautiful countries have been reduced to Islamic states!
Coming soon: Banner image-link to new anti-islam forum.