(September 6, 2015 at 12:37 am)Starvald Demelain Wrote: Today I experienced one of those few perfect moments in life where I married the love of my life, spent a great deal of time with family and had an amazing night with just my wife and I.
I'm currently trying to wind down with some champagne -Aria, I feel so spoiled- and my favorite vape flavor, while she's passed out on the bed (she's a lightweight). I'd love to be asleep but unfortunately I worked last night and slept til the ceremony so I'm wired right now, hopefully the alcohol will take care of that. xD
As a topic:
Are you married? How'd your wedding day go?
If not, do you ever plan on settling down?
Congratulations on your nuptials, may y'all have many long and happy years.

I've never been married, though I've lived with several women (not at once, darn it!) for periods ranging from one to five years, and fathered a son with the last one.
I don't see myself getting married; I'm not marriage material ... I'm an outside cat, to quote my own song. I do want to settle down with the woman I love, but I don't want the legal marriage.