(September 13, 2015 at 9:06 pm)vorlon13 Wrote: I suppose heat death is still ok desriptively, but the ultimate disposition of the universe is for it to just keep diluting itself down to nothing as it expands enormously and the stuff in it spreads out thinner and thinner and thinner and thinner and thinner and thinner and thinner . . . . And if there is anything ultimately left in a googleplex years, it will be so cold it will Bose-Einstein condensate itself into nothing too. Not that you'd be able to ever find it because the universe would be so enormously bloated out size wise.
Eventually, instead of approximating empty, it will in fact BE empty, and then, since time goes wonky when there is nothing left for it to impinge upon, we get another Big Bang since empty universes with wonky time flow are unstable and explode.
the light buld went off thank you vorlorn i could hug you right now. Because the fact being nothing can exist it's a paradox as something has to exist.
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