Can you imagine the shrieking from the right-wing if Obama advocated bringing in thousands upon thousands of Syrians?
Actually, you don't have to imagine it. Here it is.
This article is dated yesterday.
Your humanity does you credit but even what Obama proposed merely re-allocates the existing number of refugees to bump up the number of Syrians...not the total admitted.
Actually, you don't have to imagine it. Here it is.
Quote:Last week on her American Family Radio program, Sandy Rios invited Ann Corcoran on to discuss the Obama administration’s decision to expand the number of refugees from Syria’s civil war who will be settled in the United States. Corcoran, who runs the anti-refugee blog Refugee Resettlement Watch, warned against accepting Muslim refugees from Syria, whom she claimed want to move to America in order to establish a “caliphate.”
Lamenting the fact that English-speaking Americans now have to hear Arabic words, Rios asked Corcoran to explain the concept of “Hijra.” Hijra, Corcoran claimed (falsely), is “the Islamic doctrine of immigration. Mohammad told his followers that it was their duty to migrate … The idea is to spread Islam to create a caliphate, literally a worldwide caliphate.” This, she explained, is why Muslim Syrians want to immigrate to the United States, not because they are fleeing an ongoing civil war in their home country that has killed thousands and displaced millions of people.
This article is dated yesterday.
Your humanity does you credit but even what Obama proposed merely re-allocates the existing number of refugees to bump up the number of Syrians...not the total admitted.