A girl I went to high school with was a religious nut who just got under my skin. She was part of one of those offshoot, ultra-conservative, cult-like Christian churches. For whatever reason she decides I was going to be her "special cause" and harassed me daily with her religious BS (ya, I was pretty fucked up at that time in my life, but her crap did NOT help). This stupid bitch would call my PARENTS house at like midnight, 1, sometimes even as late as 2 am to let them know she was "praying for me" and "concerned about me". It caused massive arguments because my parents were pissed to be woken up and didn't believe I had told her to fuck off many times. She was aggressive too with her religious shit, cornering you with a pack of other cult-memebers and holding you hosting as they "prayed for you". Also very insulting, if you didn't dress think or act like them. I have never met people like the members of that particular church.
I was given the 'option' to transfer instead of having an expulsion on my record from the college prep school I was at towards the end of my sophomore year, so I ended up going to the public high school and didn't see or hear from her again. About 5 years ago, I ran into her at a grocery store and holy fuck! She looked like she'd aged about 20 years. Numerous kids (at about 22/23), and a husband who just looked like one of those ultra-controlling dickwad religious men who probably viewed her as his property. If I believed in such things as karma, I'd say it caught up to her in a big way. I tried to pretend I didn't see her, but she came running over and said "I thought you would be dead, but it looks like you were saved by Jesus!". No, bitch, I just grew up and pulled my life together, no prayer or Jesus crap necessary. I now live in another state, don't visit my family and genuinely hope I never see her again.
I was given the 'option' to transfer instead of having an expulsion on my record from the college prep school I was at towards the end of my sophomore year, so I ended up going to the public high school and didn't see or hear from her again. About 5 years ago, I ran into her at a grocery store and holy fuck! She looked like she'd aged about 20 years. Numerous kids (at about 22/23), and a husband who just looked like one of those ultra-controlling dickwad religious men who probably viewed her as his property. If I believed in such things as karma, I'd say it caught up to her in a big way. I tried to pretend I didn't see her, but she came running over and said "I thought you would be dead, but it looks like you were saved by Jesus!". No, bitch, I just grew up and pulled my life together, no prayer or Jesus crap necessary. I now live in another state, don't visit my family and genuinely hope I never see her again.
![[Image: 08.jpg]](https://images.weserv.nl/?url=1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-nejibjmRWmw%2FT7qVumrPtgI%2FAAAAAAAAxVs%2FsIxIpH8_voc%2Fs1600%2F08.jpg)