(October 13, 2015 at 12:26 am)TheRocketSurgeon Wrote: Um, I don't think you read that entire article. Here's his conclusion:Where did I say the author said they were ill?
Quote:The overall point being that the APA’s taxonomy is nothing more than self-serving nonsense. Real illnesses are not banished by voting or by fiat, but by valid science and hard work. There are no mental illnesses. Rather, there are people. We have problems; we have orientations; we have habits; we have perspectives. Sometimes we do well, other times we make a mess of things. We are complicated. Our feelings fluctuate with our circumstances, from the depths of despondency to the pinnacles of bliss. And perhaps, most of all, we are individuals. DSM’s facile and self-serving attempt to medicalize human problems is an institutionalized insult to human dignity. The homosexual community has managed to liberate themselves from psychiatric oppression. But there are millions of people worldwide who are still being damaged, stigmatized, and disempowered by this pernicious system to this day.
(Bold emphasis my own.)
His article was not saying that Homosexuals are ill, he is saying that the APA's process of classifying mental issues in general is bogus. There's nothing in that article that suggests the author feels that homosexuals were ever properly classified as mentally ill. He is saying that none of the categories described by the APA are valid.
Quis ut Deus?