I think the Baker analogy works better like this:
A baker makes pies. There are two kinds of pies that he makes: Chocolate and Cherry. Both are good pies. This baker lives in a town of 10,000. Nobody has ever met the baker, but supposedly he does exist. Two people announce to a group of about 873 people that the baker has decreed that men shall only eat cherry pie, and women shall only eat chocolate pie. Then a group of about 5 people come together and write a book about eating pie. In it they make some rather dubious claims. But nonetheless people insist that it was inspired by the baker. They further state that only people who are married may enjoy pie, and women who like cherry pie and men who like chocolate pie aren't allowed to get married because they refuse to eat the 'right' pie for their gender.
The question ends up "Why would the baker care if men eat chocolate pie, or women eat cherry pie, or if they were married when they ate pie?" What does it matter to him? Should men who like chocolate pie but don't like cherry pie be forced to never eat pie? Should women who like cherry pie but not chocolate be forced the same? What does it hurt if men eat chocolate pie, or women eat cherry?
A baker makes pies. There are two kinds of pies that he makes: Chocolate and Cherry. Both are good pies. This baker lives in a town of 10,000. Nobody has ever met the baker, but supposedly he does exist. Two people announce to a group of about 873 people that the baker has decreed that men shall only eat cherry pie, and women shall only eat chocolate pie. Then a group of about 5 people come together and write a book about eating pie. In it they make some rather dubious claims. But nonetheless people insist that it was inspired by the baker. They further state that only people who are married may enjoy pie, and women who like cherry pie and men who like chocolate pie aren't allowed to get married because they refuse to eat the 'right' pie for their gender.
The question ends up "Why would the baker care if men eat chocolate pie, or women eat cherry pie, or if they were married when they ate pie?" What does it matter to him? Should men who like chocolate pie but don't like cherry pie be forced to never eat pie? Should women who like cherry pie but not chocolate be forced the same? What does it hurt if men eat chocolate pie, or women eat cherry?