Quote:The OT was translated from the Torah.
That's the story, Lethe. There is no evidence to support it. The earliest OT texts we have are the Greek septuagint which dates from the 3'd century BC. That is why the Dead Sea Scrolls were such an important find. They are the oldest Hebrew ( although some are in Aramaic and Greek) texts of any of this biblical horseshit and they date from the late 2d century BC to the first century AD.
At the time that the septuagint was written ( 280-260 BC) Ptolemy II was in the process of filling up his Great Library in Alexandria and, not so coincidentally, Judaea was under the control of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. There may have been oral tales ( common in temple based religions of the time ) which were written down by Greek scribes.
In any case, we have no OT texts which date from earlier than 280 BC....in any language.