You can definitely get in the habit of thinking sharper. My experience is with high-ish level mathematics competitions; you train to see things in a certain way, and it comes a lot easier. This isn't just learning more; by freshman year of college I knew pretty much everything I needed for the Putnam Exam my senior year, but you can train yourself so that things you would spend a lot of time thinking about become obvious. I've found later in life that this extends to basic things like logic. If you start paying attention to things like "times someone in a commercial states x and y are correlated but is implying causation," you will start seeing it every day more and more.
But it's like a muscle, like other forms of exercise. You get real dull real fast.
But it's like a muscle, like other forms of exercise. You get real dull real fast.
How will we know, when the morning comes, we are still human? - 2D
Don't worry, my friend. If this be the end, then so shall it be.
Don't worry, my friend. If this be the end, then so shall it be.