Thank you for bringing this up. The "fat acceptance movement" is just a thinly veiled attempt to encourage people who care about being HEALTHY to stop giving a fuck so people who don't and have allowed themselves to explode to the size of a planet can feel better about themselves. It is demonizing having an interest in healthy eating and exercising habits and trying to turn them into a form of disordered behavior. I see it as analogous to the pro-ana movement, though pro-ana has always been underground (and fat acceptance USED to be underground too, it's not a new concept just new to the media spotlight). Imagine how people would react to a large scale, highly publicized, openly pro-anorexia campaign encouraging people to accept and praise people for being dangerously underweight, showing ads depicting severely anorexic women with "inspirational quotes" attached to them all over? Just think of how upset people got when they kept making fashion models more and more skinny? They flipped out to the point models now have to have a minimum healthy BMI to work (rightfully so). But it's totally fine to promote, encourage and praise the opposite end of the unhealthy spectrum, the fatter the better? So basically, we have learned nothing about promoting unhealthy ideals for women from the underweight model craze?
As for loving yourself, IMO, people should be in support of teaching loving yourself equates to caring enough to keep yourself as healthy as possible, not "abuse your body however much you want and be damn proud of it". What's next? Track mark acceptance? Meth mouth acceptance? This 'fat acceptance' is setting an unhealthy precedence that society no longer values health and taking care of yourself.
As for loving yourself, IMO, people should be in support of teaching loving yourself equates to caring enough to keep yourself as healthy as possible, not "abuse your body however much you want and be damn proud of it". What's next? Track mark acceptance? Meth mouth acceptance? This 'fat acceptance' is setting an unhealthy precedence that society no longer values health and taking care of yourself.