(December 21, 2015 at 5:41 pm)Simon Moon Wrote: Jewish archaeologists Israel Finkelstein and Neil Silberman noted:This is only true for the old kingdom period. It is from the middle kingdom do we have egyptian papyrus that identifies semetic slaves. and from the late kingdom the movie shows a huge (20 ft) stone stone tablet/historical record that the son of Ramses the great, commissioned to tell the history of the great's kingdom, and in it literally shows the enslavement of what was then known as the jews. that means we ahave middle kingdom and late kingdom comfirmation.
[W]e have no clue, not even a single word, about the early Israelites in Egypt: neither in monumental inscriptions on the walls of temples, nor in tomb inscriptions, nor in papyri. Israel is absent – as a possible foe of Egypt, as a friend, or as an enslaved nation
What most of you don't realize is the word game historians and Egyptologists are playing. They can say their were no Jews or israelites slaves in eygpt, because they were not formally a people (Jews) till they received the law (After the exodus of egypt) and they were not known as Israelites until they captured the promise land. So no, The egyptians did not enslave israelites or jews, even in the middle Kingdom, because they were not an offical people/jews at that point in History. They enslaved Joseph's family in the goshen region of the nile delta, once their population grew past a certain point. technically all of those semetic people/joseph's Family, were egyptians.
Their is no arguement that semetic people from goshen region lived prospered and then were enslaved. Because again their is a written record of this, and a WHOLE CITY found right where the bible says (Under the city of Ramses) it should be of Semitic people in Egypt! All of this is what the movie it will explain in patient detail if you want to know the verifiable truth.
Quote:Most historians today agree that at best, the stay in Egypt and the Exodus occurred in a few families and that their private story was expanded and “nationalized” to fit the needs of theological ideology.One of the really cool things about this documentry is the guy doing it interviewed many different jews on the subject, from guys like you quoted to the literal/current president and prime minister of the Jewish people to see what they all thought. They seem to be divided into two schools of thought. One based on genetic jew and then one based on the religious jew. Their views were interesting to say the least, but bottom line did not effect the evidence provided either way.
Israeli archaeologist Ze’ev Herzog, provides the current consensus view on the historicity of the Exodus:
The Israelites never were in Egypt. They never came from abroad. This whole chain is broken. It is not a historical one. It is a later legendary reconstruction – made in the seventh century [BCE] – of a history that never happened.
This movie's mission statment is a simple one. One that i honor and try to bring here. To simply provide the truth and let people make up their own mind.
Quote:Many other problems:Asked and answered in the documentry.
The bible says that the “Exodus” consisted of 603,550 able-bodied adult males (not counting Levites), wives, non-fighting men, Levites and children would have brought the total to 3 million or more. The entire population of Egypt at the time was between 4 - 6 million people. The Hebrews were there for 430 years (according to the Bible mythology). Could you imagine the sort of economic devastation the loss of half of the population that would have had?! Yet, the Egyptian economy was very stable from the time before and after the alleged Exodus.
Each of the 3 egyptian dynasty's/kingdoms were followed by several hundred years of darkness, where the nation fell into disarray/national collapse where nothing is known. (this is not a disputed fact) the only point of dispute is how long these 'dark ages' lasted. After the the exodus, when/where the jews took the wealth of egypt, Pharaoh's son was taken by the tenth plague, and their army was destroyed by God in the red sea, Egypt fell into a dark period that lasted several hundred years. again non of which is in dispute (Egypt falling into a dark age after the middle kingdom for several hundred years) which again would coincide with the events of the exodus.
An event histroy struggles to explain because of the wealth of the middle kingdom, and the power of it's army, and then nothing is recoded past the plauges described in the "Brooklyn Papyrus" which have been dismissed as a wide story just because it follows the biblical account too closely.
Quote:There is zero archaeological evidence that millions of people, their livestock, their pottery, carts etc ever arrived all at once in Palestine.because again they didn't. they spent 40 years wandering in the desert while God thinned the herd of the wicked
Quite a few less entered the promise land than what left egypt.
Quote:The archaeology of Palestine has failed to substantiate the Bible’s account of the invasion of Canaan by the Israelites arriving from Egypt, of the 31 cities supposedly conquered by Joshua, only one (Bethel) shows a destruction level that equates to the Biblical narrative, and there is general agreement that the origins of Israel lie within Canaan itself.That's not even close to being true. In the video they take you to the first city of Jericho. where in the bible describes rahab the pross, who help the Jewish spys recon the city, and in return they promised to not destroy her home/let her and her family live.
She lived in a home that was apart of the city wall structure. she was supposed to hang a scarf out her window marking her home.
The whole city wall (which was very impressive even by todays standard) collapsed except for one or two homes build into it on one side.
Her 'home' in that part of the wall still stands. what's even more amazing is that we know the wall fell before the city was burned, seemingly from the inside out. (according to the debris field) and then was burned. Their are grain stores still being uncovered in that city which suggests a spring time invasion, and the fact that the grain is largly untouched suggest that the city was not underseige for very long...
Which for a city with 20 to 30 ft tall wall who were 10ft thick in that day and time was unheard of.
The destruction of Jerricho coinsides with an aprox 40 year time frame of the fall of the middle kingdom which again points to the accuracy of the chronology.
Quote:How did Moses get the word to 2.5 - 3 million Children of Israel scattered throughout Egypt, that they are to slaughter, roast with fire and, with bitter herbs, they shall slaughter before midnight, a first year male lamb which is without blemish, then put the blood of the lamb on both doorposts. Then, starting after midnight, the 2.5 - 3 million had to bake their unleavened bread, steal all they could from the Egyptians, gather their flocks and herds and very much cattle and then, make their way from all over Egypt, once gathered there go to Succoth, depart from Egypt (the border is 60 miles away), THE SAME DAY (Exodus 12:17, 12:42,12:51)!Asked and answered several times throughout the book of exodus. Also know that the lack of water was also used to test and thin the herd of wicked people.
your chronology is wrong.
a complete reading of chapter 12 will straighten your chronology out.
this time start with verse 1. If you do you will see Moses and the Jews are given a heads up of what is to come. The instruction preceed the passover. we are not told by how much, just that one more plage is comming and this is how the jews are to be prepared.. so How did Moses let everyone know?
21 So Moses called all the elders together and told them,
This is the same way Esienhower let all the troops know when to invade normandy.
What about the water? The city of Philadelphia, half of the population of the Children of Israel in the desert, requires 230 million gallons a day, just for a comparison. How did the Israelites get enough water for themselves and their livestock? How was it distributed to 3 million people (Philadelphia has 3000 miles pipes)? And they had to carry it with them.
Quote:There are so many other problems.only if you close your mind to the answers/Truth.
Quote:But of course, you can always just "magic" these (and many more) logistical problems away.I personally find common sense, Recorded history, and archaeology to be sharper tools we can use to get at the truth, but hey who am I to say, you can't pretend that everyone outside your wheel house of belief, needs to believe in magic to sustain theirs?
When/if you are ready, watch the movie and let discuss what is actually in the ground, and what has been recorded by egyptian hands.