I recently joined a facebook group that seeks to create an independent, sovereign nation where no religion would be tolerated. Obviously, we're still in the planning stages as no such nation exsists. This got me thinking, If our little thought experiment ever got up off the ground, would anyone be willing to move there?
Think carefully now, moving is a traumatic experience and you would in fact have to renounce your citizenship to the nation you currently live in. You may also have to leave behind friends and family, stable income, or even a comfortable standard of living. Also, this is assuming things don't go "Galt's Gulch" and we destroy ourselves. You would literally have to build your livelihood from the ground up.
Think carefully now, moving is a traumatic experience and you would in fact have to renounce your citizenship to the nation you currently live in. You may also have to leave behind friends and family, stable income, or even a comfortable standard of living. Also, this is assuming things don't go "Galt's Gulch" and we destroy ourselves. You would literally have to build your livelihood from the ground up.