I found and downloaded a copy of Hovind's "Dissertation". I just realized that I need another expression of shock and horror, but for now . . . my reaction was OH MY GOD. This "Dissertation" is . . . possibly worse than the Master's thesis I was describing. It's horribly written, full of grammar and spelling errors, no research, no citations, no bibliography - - it is total and complete dreck. This wouldn't have gotten a decent grade as a high school project. It's awful.
I wish there was some file repository here, I could save a copy, and share the misery with all of my AF friends.
Thanks Cthulhu, for letting me know it exists. Wow.
I wish there was some file repository here, I could save a copy, and share the misery with all of my AF friends.
Thanks Cthulhu, for letting me know it exists. Wow.
"The family that prays together...is brainwashing their children."- Albert Einstein