Syna Wrote:Actually, I think you're too young for posting on a computer.
I wouldn't have developed as a person anywhere near as quickly from boredom in highschool as i did from forumgoing
Syna Wrote:To answer your question, from 13-21 years of age, the body is still developing, and thus the mind. So caution is advised.
The mind will hopefully continue to develop positively throughout one's life. Caution is always advisable in a relationship.
Shell B Wrote:As for my opinion, for what it is, I do think you are too young. People your age should be dating people your age because you are at the same stage developmentally. Once you are, say, ten years older, age differences matter much less because development ceases.
Though I agree with almost all of what you said here, it should be noted that development doesn't cease... it slows, probably drastically... but it won't cease in any natural condition i'm aware of (death in deep space maybe?).
Summer Wrote:Josh, I've always gotten on better with older people - even when I was your age. Trust me when I say that three years from now, you'll think that 17 was incredibly young, and 3 years after that 20 will seem the same way. You will change drastically. It's okay to have older friends, but I would hold off having relationships with them for now.
Most people my age make me feel unfortunately old... but even I don't feel like I'm anywhere near the late thirties in my development. 20 years is a humongous difference in most people... no matter where on the currently possible lifetimes one draws two people spaced 20 years apart... it is a near certainty that the elder of that much time will be far more developed (and this can be negative measure just so easily as it can be positive).
10... is slightly iffy. It might be able to work... but usually even that is too much of a difference in time to overcome, moreso in the younger years of life. There are plenty of interesting men that are partial to a relationship with other men within 5 years of your age... those are the ones you should probably be looking into.
Shell Wrote:I would want to kick the shit out of a man that age if he was trying to have a relationship with my younger brother (when he was that age). The thing is, you may be mad at your family, but they wouldn't care if they did not love you. They would not interfere if they did not love you.
Indeed... and love can be one of the most destructive things that can be found in this world. In this case the parents are acting in what is almost certainly the best interest of joshgold17... but unless they are particularly accepting people, this could easily spread to them suppressing his 'gayness'.
Summer Wrote:He writes exactly like my brother does on Facebook. I hope it's an age thing and they grow out of it.
Oh, plenty of 19+ year olds write like that to. Welcome to the era of en-mass texting ^_^
Syna Wrote:sOmEtImEs CaPiTaLiZaTiOn helps.
I'm sorry there are so many potholes in your roads down south...
Rev. Rye Wrote:Judging by the half-your-age-plus-seven rule, I'd suggest you stick with boys from 15 to 20 years old. Granted, there's a lot of factors to take into account, including the age of consent where you live, and your own emotional maturity.
This 'rule' seems to be somewhat superstitious 0.o
muhtesm Wrote:I'll be blunt. Yes you are too young. you're still a boy and if a 37-years-old guy chasing boys at your age he should be arrested or at least locked into a mental institution. Your parents should call the police and have him arrested.
By 16, i should hope a person can figure out what is 'right and wrong'. Hell, they are being released out into the world in less than 2 years... there really isn't much of a hope in closing a gap that huge in 2 years. Who is to say the young person won't just make the same 'mistake' with the next 40 year old willing to have sex with them?
Zen Badge Wrote:I know this for a fact.
I don't disagree with anything but this.... you have had an experience that has proven the matter to you. That does not mean that it is a fact that a 'true' partnership cannot exist with such an age difference. Extremely unlikely to the point that you might be more likely to win the lottery? Granted. Fact? Not so much.
Muhtesm Wrote:do you know any place that a 16-years-old won't be seen as a boy?
The imagination of a six year old human. Do i get a prize? ^_^
@Summer: bravo for post #39 in this thread ^_^
Omni One Wrote:Just a passing comment: inappropriate though it may be, I don't see why it's illegal. He's over the age of consent, and presumably his boyfriend isn't a teacher or something, so isn't abusing his position, which is a criminal offence.
I don't see why it's illegal either. Sure: I frown on it... but by that time someone should have already learned enough to not enter into such a relationship as this. It doesn't even seem like the man is rich... so clearly josh isn't using him for any tangible benefit >_<
Padriac Wrote:Of course he may well be a very mature 16 year old.That would be a first for me, as I've never actually met such a creature before.
A (exceptionally) mature 16 year old might hold the experiences of someone in the early-mid twenties. Joshgold17 doesn't seem to be one of those 1-in-a-billion people so mature by 16 as to be seen as someone in their late thirties.
Summer Wrote:All too true.
I'm still a *little* optimistic! >_< Please let me grow out of that on my own! >_<
Downbeatplum Wrote:I thought sarah pailn would have a better body than that.
What with how many men have claimed they'd "hit" her... i would have thought so too. Alas, even my poor standards are more refined than a number of people's
Summer Wrote:Leave us chubby people alone.
It looks good on you, Summer ^_^ I'll get back to you when i can find a body to make the face/personality of sarah palin attractive.
Shell Wrote:He's sixteen, Dotard.
I'm with dotard in some sense here. It should definitely not be illegal... but it is also certainly foolish, and josh should almost certainly ceasate the activity of a relationship with this (faceless) man.
Watson Wrote:Dotard, I have experienced something almost exactly the same as what Josh is going through, so I kindly suggest you shut the fuck up about thing you know nothing about. Yes, there is something wrong with this man for wanting to have a relationship with someone so much younger than himself. It isn't just the company of this young man he is after, it is a full blown relationship and all that that entails. That in itself suggests to me that this man has social and emotional problems he needs to work out before pursuing any kind of relationship, let alone one with someone about twenty years his junior.
I'm actually curious... what does a 'full blown relationship' entail to you?
Shell Wrote:I wonder how you would feel if you had a 16-year-old daughter who was fucking a nearly 50-year-old man. I don't really care. I obviously stand by my thoughts on the subject.
I'd think she was a moron, and I would be woefully disappointed... in both her, and in my ability to teach and advise.
Shell Wrote:And this is why kids should take the advice of their parents, when their parents are well-meaning and not from strangers on the internet.
Parents are not always right... and infact are often wrong. Parents are people... and they are prone to the problems of people.
Dotard Wrote:Then what?
Then I suppose I would have embraced my status as a woman about 20 years in the future of now. How very sad a life I would have led... luckily i didn't ^_^
Summary in a few sentences for josh: to me, you seem to be too young for this elder man. It's a pain in the ass (or rather the absence of a pain in the ass)... but my recommendation is to chill the relationship a little (take the amount of time you're having sex with him, and cut it by at least half). Presuming neither of you die or some-such, he'll still be around in the coming years. Plenty of time to refine your taste.
Oh wait.... you probably aren't a polygamist like me. Never mind, the easy solutions to the problem won't work now. You poor dear *hug*.
Please give me a home where cloud buffalo roam
Where the dear and the strangers can play
Where sometimes is heard a discouraging word
But the skies are not stormy all day