What is your personal best quote you can give?
January 9, 2016 at 4:12 am
(This post was last modified: January 9, 2016 at 4:25 am by Heat.)
This is a forum game type of thread, in a way. Basically your post should include a quote directly from yourself, no other person, one that you created/invented yourself. I hope this will be something along the lines of an inventive life advice quote, or saying, anything about morality, truth, logic, etc. basically make it have a deep message.
Rules are simple:
1. No retarded posts, this should be a serious thread, not looking for cheap laughs(there's plenty of other places to do that).
2. Quote has to be from you, any quote from someone else other than yourself should be removed by mods preferably.
3. Quote should include -[yourname] to credit yourself with the quote.
I'll start with expanding on something I made up two seconds ago:
Rules are simple:
1. No retarded posts, this should be a serious thread, not looking for cheap laughs(there's plenty of other places to do that).
2. Quote has to be from you, any quote from someone else other than yourself should be removed by mods preferably.
3. Quote should include -[yourname] to credit yourself with the quote.
I'll start with expanding on something I made up two seconds ago:
Quote:Any truly strong position someone takes on a claim will not appear so, the free thinkers who think they know exactly what they believe are full of it. Any real strong position on a socially controversial topic will analyze the opposing position more than his or her own, it is the weak thinker who has trouble considering the opposing claim as having ability to be true, it is the weak thinker who enters the cellar where his thoughts dwell, and comes out thinking he knows the world is so. It is he who is ignorant, who can think he knows truth. - Heat
Which is better:
To die with ignorance, or to live with intelligence?
Truth doesn't accommodate to personal opinions.
The choice is yours.
There is God and there is man, it's only a matter of who created whom
The more questions you ask, the more you realize that disagreement is inevitable, and communication of this disagreement, irrelevant.