With the technology we have today (forensics, DNA, video cameras, etc...) we can be nearly 100% certain that the accused is guilty. I also support the death penalty to prevent psychopaths from killing again. I know some argue for life without parole. But killers have escaped from prison to kill again. They have also killed prison guards and other inmates. The death penalty is a solution to this problem. Plus, if a killer is in prison for life with no possibility of parole, what do you do if he kills someone while in prison? Give him ANOTHER life sentence?
I think the death penalty should be an option in certain circumstances. Off the top of my head these would include:
1) Murder of a law enforcement officer or prison guard
2) Multiple murders
3) Murdering for hire
4) Murder while committing another felony (robbery, rape, etc.)
5) Murder resulting from a terrorist act
Also, if somone has already committed a crime that will result in life without parole, what does the criminal have to lose by killing some cops in an effort to escape? The sentence will be the same. A death penalty may at least make a criminal think twice about shooting at the police. Not to mention that the prospect of the death penalty can be used by prosecutors to get criminals to talk .
I think the death penalty should be an option in certain circumstances. Off the top of my head these would include:
1) Murder of a law enforcement officer or prison guard
2) Multiple murders
3) Murdering for hire
4) Murder while committing another felony (robbery, rape, etc.)
5) Murder resulting from a terrorist act
Also, if somone has already committed a crime that will result in life without parole, what does the criminal have to lose by killing some cops in an effort to escape? The sentence will be the same. A death penalty may at least make a criminal think twice about shooting at the police. Not to mention that the prospect of the death penalty can be used by prosecutors to get criminals to talk .
Science flies us to the moon and stars. Religion flies us into buildings.
God allowed 200,000 people to die in an earthquake. So what makes you think he cares about YOUR problems?
God allowed 200,000 people to die in an earthquake. So what makes you think he cares about YOUR problems?