(February 22, 2011 at 1:54 am)Aerzia Saerules Arktuos Wrote: I am against marriage. I give alliances cautiously... and single-mating agreements even more discreetly. I cannot see any reason but one for why i would want to deliberately chain my freedom to love, and that one being monumental gains to make it a worthwhile agreement. Such an agreement is often life-binding, and so it really has to be worthwhile of a whole life unless one made it with every intention of breaking it.
Those who marry out of love are fools, for they have now restricted their ability to love. I am therefore against gay marriage: let them be happy
Yes. This is something we have in common. Well said.
I used to tell a lot of religious jokes. Not any more, I'm a registered sects offender.
...the least christian thing a person can do is to become a christian. ~Chuck
...the least christian thing a person can do is to become a christian. ~Chuck