RE: Wisconsin Protests: State Police Pursue Democratic Lawmakers Boycotting Vote
March 5, 2011 at 7:48 pm
(March 5, 2011 at 7:18 pm)Aerzia Saerules Arktuos Wrote:Azharrison Wrote:Where's the lie?
Perhaps in there actually having been no "Weapons of Mass Destruction"? Also, it is senseless to go to war out of anger or concern for the world at large... you will notice we don't attack north korea (which actually does have "weapons of mass destruction"). We attacked Iraq for oil, and not necessarily for the government. Anything less is a blatant lie.
He had WMD's, he used them on the Iranian troops and on his own people, the Kurds! They found warehouses with chemical delivery shells & protective clothing... I wouldn't call that a "LIE"
As for Iran & North Korea: I guess we are Damned if we do/Damned if we don't. After Unanamous approval by the UN to invade Iraq, and 92% approval to invade by our own congress, overwhelming public support, and giving Saddam countless opportunities to comply, we invaded. 2 years later, the myopic congress and public lost their stomach for the war. With all the unsubstantiated accusations of conspiracy and cover-up,etc ... If I were Bush, I would have said FUCKIT about Iraq and Korea to! Let the next guy figure it out...
So, lets see how goldenboy is gonna handle the VERY serious problems we have with Mexico, Terrorist cells, Iran and Korea.
"We live in the age of the internet, and there are still people willing to blow themselves up for the HIGHLY UNLIKELY possiblility of pussy in another dimension!" - Joe Rogan
"Jesus Christ! Grab the Escalade, we're outta here!" - God
"Jesus Christ! Grab the Escalade, we're outta here!" - God