(March 24, 2016 at 11:23 am)Nymphadora Wrote: You know, Rob and I struggle. I hate admitting that, but we do. One paycheck isn't enough to be able to put money aside on an emergency basis after we've had to pay bills. I hate not being able to give our kids enough. I wish we didn't have to struggle so damn much, but there it is. And we are trying to do something about it, but that something takes time. If his ex wife wasn't getting way more than what she needed for child support, then we'd be okay. But she's taking nearly half his income and that's AFTER it gets taxed. AND he can't even claim the kids because if he does, his child support will get raised so that she gets even more.
She doesn't have to pay taxes on that money and I don't understand why, if she's not working, he can't claim the kids. We are filing this summer for joint custody of the boys so they are with us half the time. I'm sick of her shit and the fact that she is able bodied enough but chooses a job where she's on the schedule one or two days a week. That's not a job. That's fucking spending money. She sucks almost a grand out of Rob's paychecks a month. And she doesn't even fucking parent the kids or use that money on things they actually need. No... she spends it on CAH and her booze and her cigarettes and pot. She just spent the last six months living with her sister because she was financially irresponsible to the point that she lost her own residence.
Ugh. I try getting along with her for the sake of the kids, but she really pisses me off at times.
Unlike some selfish people here, I see government assistance as a benefit. But if they want to say you shouldn't have it, the best way to reduce it would be to pay livable wages, provide enough hours at work, and at the same time not raise prices. But if they want me to cry for the uber rich, like the Kochs or Walmart family, I'll laugh in their faces.