than any of the other angry desert god religions.
Some of them can be honest. And if they say it out loud - some shitball with a cross or a fatwa doesn't try to kill them.
Most of the Jews I worked with in NY thought of passover as a time to eat shitty food and see their families, most of whom annoyed them. On the way home they stopped and got Chinese takeout.
Some of them can be honest. And if they say it out loud - some shitball with a cross or a fatwa doesn't try to kill them.
Quote:Most rabbis think Passover and other Old Testament stories are fiction
Quote:Rabbis today concede (although rarely announce) that the Patriarchs tales are simple mythology, that the Israelites were never in Egypt, that Moses was a legendary motif not found in history, and that there was never an Exodus nor a triumphant military conquest of Canaan.
This confession strikes to the heart of one of the most profoundly uncomfortable historical readjustments this century will likely witness. Redefining the early history of the Jewish people means, after all, also redefining the very foundation slab of two of the world’s most popular theological systems – Christianity and Islam – replacing words like “historical,” “genuine,” and “actual” with words such as “fiction,” “fable,” and “myth”.
Most of the Jews I worked with in NY thought of passover as a time to eat shitty food and see their families, most of whom annoyed them. On the way home they stopped and got Chinese takeout.