(April 11, 2011 at 6:26 pm)Aerzia Saerules Arktuos Wrote: The one point of contention I have is that E can = N, if indeed nothing is all that there is. That's a purely hypothetical position that is not reflected in the real world, but it is a mistake to believe that every apple in a basket cannot be no apples in a basket
(April 11, 2011 at 6:26 pm)Aerzia Saerules Arktuos Wrote: Despite it being totally rational of a thing to say that nothing is everything except everything?
So your position is that E=N if E=N, and E=E+N otherwise?
Galileo was a man of science oppressed by the irrational and superstitious. Today, he is used by the irrational and superstitious who claim they are being oppressed by science - Mark Crislip