Why is this so hard for you to understand. Nothing is everything in the fact that when we dont have anything it is nothing. You can't have -2,-1,1,2 you need a 0. You cant have an up and a down with something inbetween. You can't have something between in and out there are only the 2 options. Left, Right, East, West, North, South, wtf is inbetween. NOTHING. We need nothing in order to have everything otherwise it would not exist. Your only confusing yourselves trying to make it into a math problem. And btw anything plus 0 is itself. E+N=E the only time anything would be nothing is N+N=N
but things just exist. Therefore we can never have less than E.
but things just exist. Therefore we can never have less than E.
Live every day as if already dead, that way you're not disappointed when you are.