RE: Trump now tied with Clition nationally according to Real Clear Poltics average
May 23, 2016 at 3:35 am
(May 23, 2016 at 2:38 am)MrNoMorePropaganda Wrote:
Let's make a list of how many countries China has invaded and how many democratically elected leaders China has ousted from office and compare that list to a list of the United States interferences in other countries. Let's also make a list of terrible free trade deals imposed on countries by China and compared that list to the United States. China and Russia are not the enemy, yet they keep being demonized.
It amazes me how ignorant you are. The mainstream American media has really done a number on you. After people show you, myself included, issues Clinton has flip-flopped on, you chose to remain silent on that. Instead you attack us for being anti-American. If America was not to gung-ho then maybe they'd get a little more respect.
Yes, I want all NATO bases out of my country. But, equally, I don't think Russia is going to invade Europe. They have as much to lose if they do. If we look at Syria, America is helping to make a mess, but they do not want to clean up that mess. How many refugees has America taken in? They'd rather give money to known terrorists than pay for more aid to the refugees.
So you think we are your enemy and that if we were gone, Russia and China would be nice to you. You are a naive fool. Without us, you would be bulldozed over. You are too stupid to see how good you have it. You are free to spend your wealth to the betterment of your country while we shoulder the burden to keep the Russians and the Chinese at bay. You should be thanking us.
The real stupidity you keep demonstrating is failing to recognize that Hillary is far more in alignment to your wishes than Trump. Sanders would be better but he's no longer one of the options. I'll be glad when June 7th is here so we can dispense with the fantasy that he can still be the Democratic nominee and everyone can focus on the reality that the choice is Hillary or Trump. Like it or not, that's what you got.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein