This whole thing makes me sick. If it was just Brock being the disgusting excuse of a human being it would be sick by itself but to add how disgusting his father and the judge are just add to the fact. I want to say I can't believe it is happening but I can. I can so easily. I know that parents usually will defend their child to the end but there are times when you have to acknowledge your child is a sick fuck. I could even see if all he was doing was denying his son did these things. Instead he admits it and claims it wasn't a big deal. 20 minutes of action. I actually hate him just as much as Brock for the one sentence. To think that this man actually believes rape is getting action... And then there is the judge. He represents everything that is wrong with America. I want his name to go public as well. I want him to be trashed just like Brock. I want every time any of these three disgusting men walk out of their house they are targeted.
The only silver lining in all of this is that she was unconscious. I understand not knowing what happened is scary but I can promise you remembering is far worse. Thank goodness she can't remember.
The only silver lining in all of this is that she was unconscious. I understand not knowing what happened is scary but I can promise you remembering is far worse. Thank goodness she can't remember.