(April 24, 2011 at 12:42 am)Watson Wrote: Under what definition of Christianity?
Quote:The Catholic Way of Salvation
James McCarthy
What exactly does the Roman Catholic Church teach is the way of salvation? A popular post-Vatican II catechism provides the following summary of the Church’s teaching.
Question What is necessary to be saved?
Answer You have to be brought into spiritual contact with that saving death of Jesus by faith and Baptism and loyal membership in His Church, by love of God and neighbor proved by obedience to His commandments, by the other Sacraments especially Holy Communion, by prayer and good works and by final perseverance, that is, preserving God’s friendship and grace until death.*
Quote:Traditionally, Protestants believe salvation is a gift of God, granted by faith. On the day of judgment, all people will be resurrected, those who have believed and trusted in Christ to a life of blessedness in the presence of God, and those who have rejected God's gift to a place of torment and separation from God.
Quote:Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught that the 'born again experience, the right to be a child of God, belongs only to a elite group consisting of only 144,000 followers. Christ is their mediator only and they are the only ones going to heaven. This group is known as the anointed class who have being gathered out of all nations since Pentecost. "Only a limited number are born again. The great crowd does not need to be born again. Their life is earthly, not heavenly."
Quote:The Mormon church teaches two kinds of salvation, neither of which can be found in the Bible. One of these kinds of salvation is an unconditional or general salvation which comes by grace alone without any obedience to gospel law and consists in the mere fact of being resurrected after death. The Latter Day Saint believes that all people will automatically be resurrected from the grave. This convenient belief down plays the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. They choose to believe in different levels of heaven or glory rather than in the existence of a hell, therefore the savior would seem to be of no real importance.
The second kind of salvation taught by the Mormon Church is a conditional or individual salvation. This salvation also comes by grace, but requires gospel obedience, is based on works and consists of reaching a higher level of heaven, the highest being the Celestial Kingdom of God.
Quote:For a Muslim, the purpose of life is to live in a way that is pleasing to Allah so that one may gain Paradise. It is believed that at puberty, an account of each person's deeds is opened, and this will be used at the Day of Judgment to determine his eternal fate. The Qur'an also suggests a doctrine of divine predestination. {1}
The Muslim doctrine of salvation is that unbelievers (kuffar, literally "those who are ungrateful") and sinners will be condemned, but genuine repentance results in Allah's forgiveness and entrance into Paradise upon death.
Quote:Scientologists believe that they will return to an embodied existence after they end this present life and will be able to continue to work for the goals of Scientology of freeing the planet.
Exclusionist bastards, all of them. Placed beside the others Scientology does not look any more stupid than the rest of your absurd fairy tales.