MysticKnight Wrote:I think it's simply what a human surrenders himself to and follows. Just as I believe everyone worships something, I believe everyone has a religion.Speaking of equivocation....
What is most valued by a person, is what is worshipped by that person. What he surrenders to and follows to achieve that which he values most or things he values the most, is his religion.
A christian may believe they are Christian, a Jew a Jew, a Muslim will think he is a Muslim, but what we truly value and what we truly follow, inwardly, comes down to two choices, and two paths.
I believe the true religion of God is his nature we be originated upon.
We can define it by our common terminology, but you will see, when we try to do that, we cannot make one coherent definition, that doesn't break down and become too general.
By why then not make it general?
We think we are devoted to and take a system as a religion, but what truly is the religion of our hearts?
If comes down to all false religions are falsehood, then we are inclining to falsehood for some reason. If there is truth and true religion, it obviously should not be followed and believed in, for the same reason people believe in falsehood.
At the end, I believe we either worship God or unkowingly we worship Satan. We either submit to God and surrender to him, or we submit to the darkness and embrace a false identity that is unclean.
Sometimes language terminology veil us from reality.
We may think for example we don't value anything to the level of worship, but we in fact, make our desire that often.
We may think we are committed to a way...but what we are really committed to is our desire to conform society or belong to a people we want to associate with.
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.