I think you understate the danger that these tea bagging shitheads pose, Cin.
There is a major difference between being unable to get your program through and being stark raving nuts.
Even FOX can't make this fucker look sane.
There is a major difference between being unable to get your program through and being stark raving nuts.
Quote:A Phoenix-area pastor has started to draw protesters to his congregation after he delivered a sermon titled, "Why I Hate Barack Obama," and told his parishioners that he prays for President Obama's death.
Pastor Steven Anderson stood by his sermon in an interview with MyFOXPhoenix, which reports that the pastor continues to encourage his parishioners to join him in praying for the president's death.
"I hope that God strikes Barack Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy and I hope it happens today," he told MyFOXPhoenix on Sunday. He called his message "spiritual warfare" and said he does not condone killing.
Even FOX can't make this fucker look sane.