4 Officers Shot Dead By Snipers, 7 Wounded in Dallas Protest Against Police Violence
July 10, 2016 at 12:04 pm
Sobering article.
Of course, I'm sure the Black-Lives-Don't-Mean-Shit crowd thinks this is just fine.
Quote:Cops or collection agencies? In poor communities, police seeking fines end up firing shots
Quote:Jack Hitt, writing for Mother Jones, argues that part of the reason police crack down on communities, ultimately leading to the escalation of violence, is a result of an out-of-step police system, which, for many poor communities, functions more as a collection agency for the judicial branch than a means of protection for its citizens. For many of the headline-grabbing deaths of black citizens at the hands of police, a common thread exists: Victims are being targeted for relatively minor offenses.
Sterling’s bootlegged CDs, Castile’s broken taillight, Eric Garner’s loose cigarettes, and Michael Brown’s jaywalking—all of their deaths began with a petty violation, eventually escalating to a point where the alleged criminal—whose crime would, at best, earn the city a couple hundred bucks—is suddenly stripped of all due process and killed at the hands of police.
Of course, I'm sure the Black-Lives-Don't-Mean-Shit crowd thinks this is just fine.