I like Corbyn - a lot. However, I will still vote the Green Party. The Labour part is full of imperialists and coopratists: That's why they want Corbyn gone. It's really only (within the Labour Party) the MPs that hate Corybn. The majority of the rest of the party members love him. His poll numbers are down because the mainstream media is treating him as Bernie Sanders was treated. That makes me like him more.
Yes, the Labour Party should split. If I insulted any of my bosses in public I'd get fired from my job. Corbyn needs to discipline his MPs. However, the electoral system will keep it together for the time being. I would hope Jeremy sees the Labour Party is a lost cause and joins the Green Party.
Yes, the Labour Party should split. If I insulted any of my bosses in public I'd get fired from my job. Corbyn needs to discipline his MPs. However, the electoral system will keep it together for the time being. I would hope Jeremy sees the Labour Party is a lost cause and joins the Green Party.