CapnAwesome Wrote:Yeauxleaux Wrote:Freedom of expression and womens' rights includes the right of an individual Muslim woman to not be told how to dress by anyone other than herself. Whether you're another Muslim who wants her to cover up, or someone else who wants her to strip down, it's not your decision to make and you need to let it go.
It's so petty.
That woman probably grew up in a fundamentalist Muslim community (which is most of who wear burkinis). Her whole life: She's been told that she'll burn in hell if she disobey's Islamic law, she's been told to always obey her father as part of that law, then told to always obey her husband. She's been told (in the best case scenario) that her family and community will disown her if she leaves Islam. She's been forced by her family to dress a certain way since puberty and before she was 18. Probably married extremely young.
Choice being made by herself is only is only in the very loosest of sense. Meanwhile how is her Husband dressed? Islam supposedly mandates modesty from both sexes, but 9 times out of 10 her husband is in western clothes, able to enjoy himself on the beach like a normal human. Although I don't believe in banning it, I can thoroughly say 'fuck the Burkini.'
The burqhini was invented several years ago by an Australian. Fundamentalist Muslims tend to be against it.
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.