(September 11, 2016 at 11:53 pm)Maelstrom Wrote: 9-11, Never Forget?
Here is my spin, and you can hate me all you want for it.
America the great imposes itself on countries that have been around longer than America, and it is surprised when a retaliation happens due to what we are wrongfully doing to other countries; i.e., those unspeakable acts that cannot be disclosed to the public due to national security.
Therefore, I will forget what happened on 9-11.
It does not make me less American. It actually makes me more of an American for having the gumption to stand up to the government.
The government??? Really? That's the only entity you can remember when thinking of 911??
I'll never forget the sheer number of classmates who dropped out of school because they had lost a family member or two in the attacks or the recovery, or the pall that existed throughout the city and beyond, or the worry I had for my loved ones, or the worry my loved ones had for me, thinking I was probably in the city since I spent as much of my free time there as possible. I'll never forget how downright friendly people were afterwards, in a place where "friendly" was a word that could garner dirty looks or worse, or the gnarly hole that marked where the towers used to be... only blocks from the apartment of my oldest friend. Sure, I think about the government and it's possible involvement, but I'll never forget a lot more than that.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.