(May 23, 2011 at 1:01 pm)Grissa Ost Drauka Wrote: It comes to the point now that if religion comes up I just shut my mouth and head for the hills. What is it about people and religion that they feel the need to point out the error of your ways once you announce that you're an atheist? I respect their right to believe what they like, despite how irrational and arrogant I may perceive it as being. I don't bother pointing out all the flaws in their beliefs with logic that a first grader could understand. For some reason, religion has been coming up a lot lately whether it be at work, with friends, or whatever. Probably due this Rapture retard that said the world was coming to an end. I keep to myself and my work and personal life separate, but if asked what I believe, I'm sure as a hell going to tell you the truth and I'm not afraid to defend it. You should see some of the reactions I get when people ask about my religious beliefs and I tell them that I'm an atheist. I've found that a lot people don't even know what the hell it really is yet tend to act negatively right from the start. I actually had one person started relating atheism to satanic beliefs and rituals. I mean really, come on? If I don't believe in God, did he really think I believe and followed in the teachings of the devil? Basically the point of this rant is I just want to know how you people deal with all these idiots? I really don't have the energy or the desire to argue the point to someone blindly arrogant, so what's the best answer for when religion becomes a topic of discussion? Lately, I'm moved onto saying I'm not religious and just leaving it at that. Seems to work so far.
Also, interesting side note. One of those born again, bible thumping, Christians was talking about the supposed Rapture that was to be coming up and was asking a few people what they thought about all the nonsense surrounding it. It came out that I was an atheist when he was talking to me. He then said that he would pray for me, in a somewhat condescending tone. To which I responded that he was free to waste his time however he felt was necessary. Apparently that comment lit a fire under his ass because he tried to file and HR complaint against me for that. I just laughed when I was told that.
Saying that "I am not religious" has been taken over by the evangelicals. They say "I hate religion, but I love Jesus and the bible" or "Im not religious, I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ". If they are shutting up when you say you arent religious, chances are they may think you are a Christian.
Yeah, I know..its REALLY fucking stupid.
The best advice I can give you is pick and choose your fights. Some people are not happy unless everyone has the same thoughts flowing in their head as they do. Nothing you say to these types of people matter, so why should they matter to you. Avoid them and change the conversation. Sometimes I will fuck with these types of people as well.
The cool ones are the ones you want to be around. The cool ones are easy going and do not base their friendships off of trivial crap such as religion. I have quite a few god believers as friends who know I dont believe... they also know my sense of humor about it and sometimes help set me up for a joke. It helps to be even in this situation, so I joke atheist and believers alike to garner the most laughs and comradery.
Pick and choose your fights, be fair, and be humorous. It always works for me... well, except for the fundy jerks..and hey, nobody likes them douche bags anyways. I have put a few fundy jerks in their place by pointing out their personal hypocrisy and won big points from the rest of the work crew for doing such.