There is absolutely no humanity left when your goal, or a group's goal for whatever reason, political or religious or a combo of both, is thinking that force and violence with a "once and for all" attitude will work. Once you get to that point, you are no longer empathetic and cannot claim any moral high ground. To this day, Ann Frank's quote is one of my favorites of all time, "I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are good at heart".
I will never hate my species capability for empathy and compassion, I do hate that my fellow humans far too often cant see beyond what is local and falsely attribute anything they might do as good to bad logic. Our species is capable of great empathy and compassion, but it only takes just enough bad logic to be bought en mass to lead to things like the Holocaust, Isis, KKK, Stalin, states like Saudi Arabia and North Korea. I don't ever want the west or America, my home, to descend into that monster.
I will never hate my species capability for empathy and compassion, I do hate that my fellow humans far too often cant see beyond what is local and falsely attribute anything they might do as good to bad logic. Our species is capable of great empathy and compassion, but it only takes just enough bad logic to be bought en mass to lead to things like the Holocaust, Isis, KKK, Stalin, states like Saudi Arabia and North Korea. I don't ever want the west or America, my home, to descend into that monster.