Rhythm Wrote:Btw, kernal, that's where your approach is lacking, lol. It gives hope to fuckers regardless of how plainly and simply wrong their claims may be...and that hope is -all- they need to persist in idiocy. 20 more p[ages and you're not going to come to an understanding, these arguments will not be improved. The subject will just keep on keepin on. Wink
I agree that any attempt to fully understand objective truth will end in more questions being asked. Nevertheless, I appreciate the heads up, Rhythm.
Soldat Du Christ Wrote:Okay so you understand this already, the difference is you don't see supernaturalism as a better justification then the brain justifying the brain is that it? And to answer your question, i think it's clear it has to be one or the other. Now i asked you earlier:
"There are only two possible answers to this problem. Either matter made mind, or mind made matter. Supernatural cause, or natural cause. All theory will fall into either of these catagories would you agree?"
First off, thanks for your response, Soldat Du Christ; I appreciate the time and effort you put into it.
With that said, my answer is that I do not agree. The reason for my disagreement is due to the following questions, which I asked earlier:
Kernal Sohcahtoa Wrote:Does reality operate in strict accordance with a humanistic mindset? Could there be other ways to make sense of reality that we just haven't stumbled upon yet?
IMO, concluding that there is either a supernatural or natural cause, isn’t fully addressing my inquiries: you have proposed two and only two possible ways to find objective truth, but why must it only be these two? Suppose these two methods of interpreting reality are only a few incredibly small subsets (or even microscopic elements) that are part of a humongous set comprised of various ways of interpreting reality. Since supernaturalism and naturalism have not unraveled the objective truth of reality, then perhaps there are other subsets which could better explain and unravel it. Perhaps we haven't even uncovered the subset that we are a part of. What are your thoughts, sir? Am I making any sense?
As always, thanks for your polite conduct and your time and attention, sir.