I keep having Christians come along and ask me if I've found Jesus? They've lost Him?! Again?!?!?!
Christians are very careless about their God.
While I have not found Jesus, I think I know where he is. Jesus is in prison
I cannot tell you the number of people who have said that they "found Jesus" while they were in jail or
prison. With that many independent reports, it almost has to contain an element of truth.
Perhaps some think prison is like an Easter-egg hunt to find Jesus. Many many people try to get parole by
telling their parole board that they found Jesus.... and sometimes it works!
Christians are very careless about their God.
While I have not found Jesus, I think I know where he is. Jesus is in prison
I cannot tell you the number of people who have said that they "found Jesus" while they were in jail or
prison. With that many independent reports, it almost has to contain an element of truth.
Perhaps some think prison is like an Easter-egg hunt to find Jesus. Many many people try to get parole by
telling their parole board that they found Jesus.... and sometimes it works!