I think it greatly depends on your notion of what is and is not "contributing to society". To me, the ACLU "contributes to society" a shitload by standing up for people's rights regardless the issue. The FFRF contributes to society's rights to not be religious. The Church of Satan is even contributing to society by attempting to finally settle the Ten Commandments on the courthouse lawn issue once and for all. I see these as contributions to society. Defending the weak, standing up for the rights of the minority, ending the bickering, these are all good things. I would doubt most Christians see it the same way, though. As far as I know, even just most conservatives seem to hate the ACLU, but maybe that's just the religious conservatives I knew.
Catholics love to count Catholic hospitals as a contribution to society. It's their go-to thing. But in reality if you look it up you'll find story after story where they not only refused care, but didn't even give a patient the information. In one such story a mother comes into the ER miscarrying and they send her home, even though the baby WILL die and there's a good chance it will kill her too. Her life is less important to them than their dogma. Not only do they not perform an abortion on a baby which will already die, they don't even tell her it's an option that someone else can do, or how much more dangerous it is for her to just go home when they discharge her. They withhold important medical information from her because they don't like what that information says they should do, even though her life literally depends on it. If a non-Catholic hospital did that there would be a malpractice suit and they WOULD lose. But since it's a Catholic hospital they're entitled to certain malpractice which they will do, over and over, on purpose. That is BULLSHIT! That is not a contribution to society. It is an attempt to take over. It is selfish and self-serving. It is for the church, not the people.
Catholics love to count Catholic hospitals as a contribution to society. It's their go-to thing. But in reality if you look it up you'll find story after story where they not only refused care, but didn't even give a patient the information. In one such story a mother comes into the ER miscarrying and they send her home, even though the baby WILL die and there's a good chance it will kill her too. Her life is less important to them than their dogma. Not only do they not perform an abortion on a baby which will already die, they don't even tell her it's an option that someone else can do, or how much more dangerous it is for her to just go home when they discharge her. They withhold important medical information from her because they don't like what that information says they should do, even though her life literally depends on it. If a non-Catholic hospital did that there would be a malpractice suit and they WOULD lose. But since it's a Catholic hospital they're entitled to certain malpractice which they will do, over and over, on purpose. That is BULLSHIT! That is not a contribution to society. It is an attempt to take over. It is selfish and self-serving. It is for the church, not the people.
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