Here's a guy who didn't get the message, Brian. I'm sure they will send a couple of guys around to get him back toeing the party line.
And, to what does he attribute this remarkable turnaround? Certainly not to his stellar entrepreneurial ability that the republicunts love to talk about!
You know the fucktards aren't going to tolerate this kind of heresy.
Quote:‘I was stunned by the business’: Fast food CEO says profits soared after minimum wage hike
Quote:For years, opponents of minimum wage increases have argued that wage hikes mean fewer jobs because businesses have to raise prices and cut hours to cover the additional expenses. But Phelps said that his sales skyrocketed after a California law forced businesses to raise wages in 2014.
“I was shocked,” Phelps recalled. “I was stunned by the business.”
The same thing happened earlier this year when California raised the minimum wage to $10.50 per hour, Phelps said.
And, to what does he attribute this remarkable turnaround? Certainly not to his stellar entrepreneurial ability that the republicunts love to talk about!
Quote:“It isn’t because I’m such a great manager or smart guy, but the buying public has more money in their pocket.”
You know the fucktards aren't going to tolerate this kind of heresy.