(June 26, 2011 at 10:41 am)reverendjeremiah Wrote: ..how about the fact that the vast majority of Muslims who have moved from Arabic countries to Western countries flat out refuse to change.
Well doesn't that just go towards the fact that they are so divisive by nature? Muslims are the only group of people in the UK who are genuinely like this. I mean take sikhs for example. They are cool people, every sikh person I've ever met is down to earth and would seem like any other guy you could hope to meet in the UK. They don't live within their own communities, they live within OUR communities. They don't cut themselves off, or act any different to anyone else, they INTEGRATE with society. Muslims simply don't do this. I don't particularly have any problems with that but when it makes entire areas no go zones for white people, you feel like a foreigner in your own country at times. The only thing stopping them from being truly being part of this country is themselves. Frankly they deserve the reputation they have.