I married a theist, albeit a sort-of polytheist who has, so it seem, redefined the natural laws as to have names and personalities. That fits, I suppose, with someone who has also named musical instruments, the typewriter, the computer, and the telephone.
Seemed to work better than a previous marriage to someone who called himself an atheist, but the term I've read here recently, "apatheist", seems to suit better.
So, yeah, I'd date a theist. It didn't work too well with ones who tried to convert me... and even WORSE with those (generally, Roman Catholics) who said my lack of belief in their Christianity was okay until I got emotionally close, then they turned around and said they COULDN'T be with someone who didn't share their love for Jesus and the Church, it just wouldn't do to have someone who was not going to heaven, and (drumroll) couldn't/wouldn't become the mother of their children! I'm also childfree and vocal about it.
I wrote those guys off as the liars they were. If they knew they couldn't deal with me in a long-term relationship, why let it go that far and THEN tell me that I'd have to change to be with them.
Seemed to work better than a previous marriage to someone who called himself an atheist, but the term I've read here recently, "apatheist", seems to suit better.
So, yeah, I'd date a theist. It didn't work too well with ones who tried to convert me... and even WORSE with those (generally, Roman Catholics) who said my lack of belief in their Christianity was okay until I got emotionally close, then they turned around and said they COULDN'T be with someone who didn't share their love for Jesus and the Church, it just wouldn't do to have someone who was not going to heaven, and (drumroll) couldn't/wouldn't become the mother of their children! I'm also childfree and vocal about it.
I wrote those guys off as the liars they were. If they knew they couldn't deal with me in a long-term relationship, why let it go that far and THEN tell me that I'd have to change to be with them.